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The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

The Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) signed an agreement relative to a project aiming to protect people with HIV/AIDS, in Rabat, on 6 December 2010. The project is in line with the efforts made by the Council, as a national institution for the protection and promotion of human rights, to promote economic, social and cultural rights, mainly the right to health. It is also in line with the Council’s support to the National Strategic Plan to Fight AIDS (2007-2011). It aims to promote human rights based approach in the efforts made to fight AIDS. It also aims to establish a mechanism to protect people with HIV/AIDS who are subject to discrimination, stigma and marginalization due to their HIV/AIDS situation.

The project will last for one year. It will be financed by UNAIDS and implemented by CCDH. It necessitates a budget of 15 thousand dollars. The planned activities of the project evolve around the capacity building of CCDH staff in the field of HIV/ AIDS through the organization of training session on HIV/AIDS and the norms and conventions of legal protection related to HIV. The project also includes the organization of a seminar to deepen reflection on the human rights based approach and HIV/AIDS and the role that can be played by a human rights national institution like the Advisory Council on Human Rights. The programmed activities are related as well to the elaboration of a plan of action on the realization of a review on the current situation of HIV/AIDS in Morocco, particularly the social and legal aspects, as well as on the training activities oriented to institutional players, civil society and the public on the HIV/AIDS-human rights issue.

Date of signature: 06 December 2010
